PRACTICE: Outside In | Inside Out

Alison Brooks is taking part in Harvard GSD’s public symposium on ‘Building Practice: Ethics, Agency, and Labour’.

The symposium will consider discourse on contemporary issues of design practice in two parts: the external pressures of economic, environmental, and political systems, and internal forces of tools, techniques, and strategies for design.

Alison Brooks will be on the first panel discussion, addressing the current systems of value in contemporary design practice for the management and creation of labour, the evaluation of risk, and the mediation of underlying economic and social dynamics in the design of the built environment. Focusing on the duties of the designer in the current culture of production, this will be a critical discussion on the external forces affecting practice and the growing crisis of the marginalisation of the design disciplines. The evolution of practice will be examined through historical, ethnographic, and other qualitative lenses, revealing complex systems of relations between key players in the creation of the built environment.


Fri, 10.12.18 , 14:00
Harvard GSD, Gund Hall Piper Auditorium
Harvard GSD, Gund Hall Piper Auditorium
Harvard GSD, Gund Hall Piper Auditorium