Audi Urban Future Initiative Venice / Mumbai
ABA is one of 6 teams chosen internationally by Audi to envision a city of 2030 inspired by evolving trends in personal mobility. The research was exhibited at the 2010 Venice Biennale.
ABAs proposition for the Audi Urban Future Initiative takes our ideas to the context of the developing worlds biggest and densest mega-cities; Mumbai. Mumbai’s culture, infrastructure, political and social institutions are deeply interdependent and local, but hold valuable lessons transferable to western cultures and developed urban systems.
ABA proposes a strategic project of cultural exchange; a proposal for a sustainable urban extension to Mumbai; a density relief valve that builds on an existing lifeline of transport infrastructure. By converging todays global technologies of enlightenment; personal digital devices with compact mobility, local community networks and cultural identities; a mega-city in crisis we believe can reveal the potential for a sustainable urban future – in motion.